Doing Some Background Research

For our first assignment your research skills will be tested. Rather than lecture or provide a specific set of questions to be answered, for today's assignment you will visit the link below. After perusing that link, you will choose an artist, politician, or event, and conduct research about it using the internet or a local library. You will post a 250-word overview of your topic. You MUST provide 3 references at the end of your post (i.e. web links, book titles, etc.), preferably in MLA or APA formatting. Check for citation options.

There are two points to this assignment. First, we need to verify that you are using appropriate internet sources. Wikipedia, for example, is not an appropriate website as it can be edited by anyone who visits the site. Your Bibliography will tell me whether or not you are using the internet correctly. Second, you will all ideally pick different topics so that we all learn a little bit about various elements of the Harlem Renaissance.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Adam Clayton Powell, Sr. - David V

On May 5th, 1865, one of the most influential African-Americans was born. Adam Clayton Powell, Sr. was born in Franklin County, Virginia, named after another great American, Benjamin Franklin. Powell, with his mixed heritage, perfectly represented America as his mother was a slave and of mixed Native American and African decent while his father was a Caucasian slave owner.

Powell’s youth was troubled as he grew up in a time of extreme prejudice against African-American’s. I imagine that as he was mixed, he may have experienced prejudice from not only Caucasions, but his African-American brethren as well during his youth. According to Powell, he was “a bum, a drunkard, a gambler, and a juvenile delinquent.” Like many stories of other persons of great historical figures, it took a big fall, a slap in the face in the form of a costly gambling loss that began to lead him down the road he was meant for. It was the faith teachings of his stepfather, who raised him and had been a slave that stirred something within him while walking by a revival after his gambling losses. From that point on, Powell was a changed man determined to make positive change for his fellow brethren

It was 1885 when Powell began his road towards leading the church when he converted and began his studies. By the time Powell graduated from his base studies in 1892, he was versed in law, politics, and theology. Shortly after, he began leading several churches.

Over time Adam Clayton Powell, Sr. became known as a passionate preacher with the ability to draw and hold crowds do to his presence and messages. As his wealth and reputation increased, he became more influential in the African-American community and eventually bought a land in Harlem that would hold the church that cemented his reputation as a cultural leader.

The Abyssinian Baptist Church had been around for a century but experienced a major rebirth under Powell. Powell used his influence from the pulpit to speak out against racism and for equal rights. He birthed many establishments for the Harlem community and had a son, Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. who further led the African-American community.

What defines a successful life that one could look back on and feel proud? If it is a life that changed the welfare of others for the better and brought about a strong family line, then surely Adam Clayton Powell, Sr. had a successful life. Today, Powell, Sr. is buried in Flushing cemetery but his legacy lives on.


Franklin Co, VA Genealogy

Judith Newman, Glory Days: Adam Clayton Powell, Sr.

The Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Adam Clayton Powell, Sr.

Find a Grave, Dr Adam Clayton Powell, Sr


Ada said...

A friend of mine admires him very much.He often mentioned his legacy to me on

Margaret Chalmers said...

Hi, I did the Silent protest of 1917, and through my research I found out that Adam Clayton Powell was one of the organizers.I enjoyed your Post.


Luisana S said...

Dear David,
I see that we both liked the same person: Adam Clayton Powell, Sr. One thing I noticed on you research was the veracity and the details. there were things I didnt even see when I was doing my research and that you clearly specified on yours. You mentioned some of his youth's background. I agree with on that Powell received prejudice from both parts, caucasian and african-americans, which could have him really harsh on him. I dont recall reading this information on the websites I visited. I think (maybe) the prejudiced he took from them was the reason why he opted to follow religion instead of alcohol or drugs. I think you really got into the research, and managed to have a very informative one.
Good Research!

len said...

Hi Dave

After reading your final paragraph where you said "What defines a successful life that one could look back on and feel proud? If it is a life that changed the welfare of others for the better and brought about a strong family line, then surely Adam Clayton Powell, Sr. had a successful life", I was reminded what a friend once told me. He said you know I am very wealthy and influential. I am privy to information that would allow me make great sums of money. I know where roads will be built and with that information I can make huge amounts of money, I know what important companies are planning and with that information I can earn large sums of money; I have access to the highest levels in government and with that access I can earn enormous sums of money. However by investing my money in to my factories, I’m able to do good for many not just one. I am able to provide employment to many who in turn are able to provide for their families and at the same time make money. Your final paragraph echoed that sentiment.